Tuesday, July 27, 2021

about our flood barrier experince

 Last monday all the kea students made a flood barrier experince and in my group was hena, Siobhan, sam, junior, tyriqe, and zac. First, we had to read the instructions then after the instructions we had to get the ingredients my teacher that was with us was MR T.

 Our ingredients were cotton balls, clay, water, a tray, and cardboard then we made a mini house and put it on the tray and we put the other things together when we were done we went to get cassie because she was the one that was recording all our experiences.

so I got the water and went to put it in the tray but it did nothing so I had to get more water and more but it was just too small so I got more and more until it filled up but when we have done the experience we passed because it didn't make a flood happen through our mini town.